I was on a roll!!
I was cooking.
I was cleaning.
I was getting my workouts in.
And then it happened....
Princess got a stomach ache... and it's been slowly taking the rest of us out...
I kept her home from school for 3 days. Hoping and praying it was just her and she wasn't going to share.
I mean, I try to teach my kids to share. Every good parent does. But for the love of all that is good - not germs. Please don't share your germs.
Friday Princess was back at school....
.... and I was down for the count.
No please! No please! Nopleasenopleaseno!! If you're a parent, especially a stay home, homeschool parent, or heaven forbid, a special needs parent, you know what I mean!! We don't have time to be sick!!
I did the only thing I could think of... bribed Scrappy... no homework and some babysitting money to help out with his brother. Thankfully Monkey was good, save for wanting to snuggle with Mommy. I told Daddy he HAD to come home and there was NO working for him over the weekend because I couldn't manage running Princess to the extra dance practice AND wrangling the boys while being sick.
I did feel well enough for a little outing to the craft store to get some stuff for work on Sunday (plus I needed the fresh air and to get away from my little angels who I love so much!)
Monday morning, right on cue, hubby was taken down by it, and yesterday it struck my Monkey.
I'm finally feeling well enough to get back into my routine. I knew I was bad off when I couldn't even keep up with my bujo!! At least I managed to stay on plan with my Whole45!!