Wednesday, July 26, 2017

TODAY is Day One

I've been flipping this first post over and over in my mind for the past few days... where to start with it.  I've tried to blog before, but I decided to start over, from the beginning, with Day One.  This is my journal, my stories, of my real life.  My successes and my failures.  What it's like to live my chaotic life where we rarely have a quiet moment.  My chickens are 3, 9, and a dramatic 14, which means excitement enough, but add in Cystic Fibrosis, homeschooling, and ASD, and well, ya know, everything is just a breeze, right?

Welcome to Real Life!

Let me introduce my chickens.....

This is my Monkey - 3 years old, crazy adorable, cuddlebug, and has everyone wrapped around his every finger.

This is Scrappy - 9 years old, fearless, and always has us wondering "what next?"

This is Princess - 14, feisty, coming into her own, but always a challenge too.

This man is my Hubs - the love of my life and the man who has made my life so much better.

And me :)  I hate pictures, but I'm learning to deal with them a little more because life only happens once, and I need to be able to save some of the memories with my kids.  I don't want them to look and say "Why wasn't Mom ever in any of these pictures?"

And what do I do? Hmm, the question should be what DON'T I do!  I craft for a living.  I LOVE making stuff, especially upcycling.  I crochet, knit, embroider, sew, try to paint... among others.  The list of things I'd LIKE to try is long too.  And I cook and can.  I love canning - I will try canning almost anything!  Lately I've been experimental cooking - and you'll get to join me in some of those adventures - and successes and mishaps!!!  This is going to be... fun.... and interesting.... and.... a whole lotta true life and starting over and over again on Day One!


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