As always, the weekend was busy and full of projects. Saturday we went to town to pick up some lumber for the new rabbit pen that Hubs is building. I also wanted to stop at the hardware store because they had canning lids last time I was there. (If you didn't know, there's a canning lid shortage going on right now and no one knows how long it's going to last. And since I sell canned goods at farmer's market, and can a ton for my family, I need to be sure I have enough!!) There were still a lot. I got 15 packages and a new funnel since my backup funnel cracked. As I was standing by the checkout, some old lady came up to me and asked if I was buying ALL the canning lids. No, I told her, there are still plenty on the shelf. Well, she said, where can I find them? I don't see them anywhere. I told her to go look in the canning aisle, where the rest of the supplies are!! The tone of her voice really irked me. I was making small talk with the clerk and told him I can for a living and my family. He said he's noticed a lot of newbies canning this year and noticed the shortage, and was happy he could help me.
We spent some time looking for a new percolator since my decided to die. For spending less than $10 on it, it had lasted about 3 years. I don't drink coffee every day, but I've noticed on days that I do, I get a LOT more done. Maybe I should drink coffee every day..... After checking Home Depot and the hardware store, I hadn't found one yet. I even checked at Walgreens when I picked up pullups (and forgot to pick up prescriptions 🙈). One last hope, we went to Bomgaards. I was in luck!! They had 2 left in the camping section!!
On my hunt several people asked me, why a percolator? I have a few different reasons: 1) I think the coffee tastes a lot better. Maybe because there's no paper filter to run it through?? 2) I don't have to depend on electricity any time I want coffee. I have a gas stove I can light with a lighter, or I could set it on the wood stove in the living room or over a campfire if I needed to. 3) Every time I buy a coffee maker, it breaks in no time at all. 4) My Opa always made his coffee in a percolator, so it's sentimental.
Since we were in town so long we stopped at Perkins for lunch. It's my go-to eat out place if we have time. I prefer to not eat fast food if at all possible. Plus the kids will eat pretty good there! Scraps got half a sandwich, soup, and a piece of pie, and Monkey had "cakecakes" (pancakes) and French fries. Hubs and I got sandwiches and fries. I ended up eating half my sandwich, the meat off the rest, and a few fries.
Once we got home, hubs worked on the barn and I split some more wood. Man that's a workout!! The boys helped haul wood from the back side of the barn to the front, then loaded our gorilla cart with everything I split and put it in the mini storage shed closer to the house. It's a lot easier to walk a few feet to get the wood in the snow than across the yard!!
Since we were so busy, I didn't plan supper, so we ordered steaks and burgers from the legion. Once a month our local legion has a steak fry, and we like to be able to support them.
Sunday was "house" day for me. I worked on cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, washing bedding, and baking. No one ate breakfast until after 1030, so I didn't even bother with lunch. I did put a chicken in the crock pot to cook down, which I'll use today for lunch. Scraps took out some goat ribs to put on the smoker for supper (I'm still learning how to use it) and they came out pretty good considering I didn't do the best job butchering the goat. I served that up with a Knorr cheddar broccoli rice, homemade bread, and some sweet corn I had frozen a month ago.
I baked a TON for farmer's market... 3 mini apple pies, a batch of garlic chive rustic bread, 2 batches of regular rustic white bread, 2 pans of apple pie cookies... and I took a recipe for dinner rolls a friend gave me and tried it out as mini loaves. YUMMY!! I'll have to make some for tomorrow's farmer's market since I won't even be able to take it today (my family already ate a whole loaf at supper!!)
Hubs DEFINITELY enjoyed the cookies. I gave him ONE to sample... the next thing I knew half the pan was gone!!! I made a second batch with one extra for him - and still tried taking more off the pan. I compromised and gave him a mini pie to take for lunch even though I had already packed some cookies. I told him the cookies take a lot more work since I have to cook the filling plus make the lattice, where with the pies I can just add the uncooked apple filling and put a plain crust on the top.
Today I actually got up kind of early and started up on my Miracle Mornings and SAVERS again (If you haven't read The Miracle Morning, I HIGHLY recommend it!! It works if you just DO IT!!) I used to do it all in order because I just HAD to, but now I think I'll change it up again. I started with my E and got the exercise done right off the bat. IT FELT GOOD!! I did 36 minutes on the Wii Fit (don't want to overdo it right out of the gate!!) Played a couple balance games, obstacle course, boxing, rhythm step. My age based on the testing is 36 - works for me!
I followed up with my SAV - set my timer on my phone for 10 minutes and tried to clear my mine. THAT was hard... had a million things running through my mind and just couldn't shut it down. For A and V I decided to take the digital route. I found apps for both - a Daily Affirmation app and a Vision Board app. I set them up and played with them a little. I'm putting off my R a little. I have an audiobook I'm listening to when I go to and from work. But I might read a blog I recently found that I like so far... I'll report back on it. And updating my blog here will work for my final S.
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Lars wasn't impressed with being up! |
For today's lunch, I'm planning on a white chicken chili with the chicken I put in the crock pot yesterday... Supper will be leftovers. Working on the plan for the rest of the week (I foresee a lot of soup since it's supposed to be chilly!!) And the Princess has a cold :(
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