Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School

It's been a week since my last entry - so much for every day or for every other day!!  (I AM working on getting this into my schedule!!)  I did get my kitchen cleaned and organized - for the most part.  Beau and I spent 6 hours working on it.  Crazy, I know!!!  But it's nice being able to use my kitchen again.  It just seems like so many things have gotten away from me when I was on bed rest and it's taking forever to catch up!!!  I've documented a lot of the stuff we buy, and I've made some new rules for the house.  I also have a couple new dry-erase boards that have been added to the fridge, in addition to the one that's already by the phone.  There is also a corkboard that has been next to the phone for some time.  The dry erase board there is for frequently called phone numbers:  our CF nurse, Shopko pharmacy, a few friends.  Also when checking the answering machine, any one who needs to be called back gets written up there with their phone number until we no longer need it.  The cork board holds various notes and business cards.  One of the boards on the fridge is our running grocery list.  The other is for notes/to-do list for mom and dad.  Yeah, at my 'old age' and with the baby brain going on, I don't always remember all the stuff hubby and Beau ask me to do.  Write it down and I can't forget it :)  Today, for example - call vet (girls need meds), Beau needs allergy meds, call CF nurse about Scrap's meds, order replacement hose for vest.  I never would have remembered if it wasn't right in front of me!!! lol!!

Made a couple batches of applesauce yesterday - ended up with 5 pint jars and 9 half-pint jars, plus some I put right into the fridge to have with meals.  Scraps hasn't really tried it, but everyone else seems to think mama did pretty good.  We bought the pint jars and the half pint jars were given to us.  The initial investment will be worth it (along with the 'canning supplies kit' hubs got me - the tongs, funnel, and magnet) because right now for generic applesauce, we pay $2.99 per jar.  For ALL of the applesauce I made, plus about a quart I made on Saturday as a test run, we paid $9 for the apples at Farmer's Market.  One of the bags was only about 1/2 a bag since the kids had eaten some of the apples throughout the week.  Hubs was able to get some really yummy apples from a customer for free too.  Next time I think we might just wait and get them from him!! I told hubs that if he can, to get 2 more bags, then we should be set for the next year until apples are ready again :)

Another huge step in this past week was specifically directed to me - being lower maintenence, especially with Baby on the way.  So... I cut my hair.  A lot shorter.  12 inches donated to Locks of Love.  I almost cried, but didn't.  Kinda liking the new style, makes it easier to brush, don't have the snarls I did before.  Hubs is happy I can't put it in a bun anymore (my go-to style when I have time for nothing else).  I'll also save a TON on shampoo and conditioner.  It's easier to wash now too since I have to do it under the bath faucet cuz we don't have a shower.  Some of my traumatic shots:

It FEELS so much lighter too!! Don't think my hair is going to be giving me too many more headaches :)  I'm still not COMPLETELY used to it, but it's working a lot better for my daily routine.

My oldest also started back to school today - 3rd grade already.  Of course, we had the usual fight last night because she wanted to finish watching WWE on tv.  But much to my surprise, she was already up when I got up at 630 this morning!!  Ate breakfast then hopped in the tub with only being asked once.  Very smooth first day!  My little man didn't even throw the normal fit of not wanting her to leave or wanting to go with her (we live too close for her to ride the bus, so Scraps and I take her to school every morning - she's not old enough to walk on her own!!).

Of course one couldn't get pictures taken without the other one getting them too, but that's fine with Mommy :)

Now I'm off to try getting some homework done and get lunch made for the little man and mama :)

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