Thursday, June 5, 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 4

For Day 4 of my challenge, I chose Breastfeeding. (sorry, didn't get it finished/posted yesterday!!)

OK, some people thing this topic is taboo.  Some are strongly in favor, some are strongly opposed, and some people just plain don't care.

First off, I must say, I did not choose breastfeeding Chubbers just for the financial aspect of it.  I know breastfeeding a baby, especially one like Chubbers who has special needs and a weakened immune system, helps boost immunity by passing on Mom's antibodies.  Besides that it's 100% natural so it's easiest to digest, and it's everything babies need.

Well, for most anyway.

Because of Chubbers having Cystic Fibrosis, sometimes we need to fortify his breast milk with a scoop of formula.  Even if he was on just formula, we would still have to fortify his milk.

Plus, I admit, I nurse because I enjoy it.  I enjoy having special snuggle time with my little guy.  I love being able to give him something no one else can and knowing what that does for him.  I love how he's able to take comfort while nursing when nothing else will settle him down.

So yet, nursing/breastfeeding can be done for monetary reasons, but there are so many more benefits besides.

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