Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

We enjoyed our quiet New Year's Eve at home.  Maybe we're getting old, but we enjoyed spending time with just our kids.  The forecast was for wind and rain, and sure enough, we finally got snow!  50 degrees, raining, on Dec 31 in Minnesota?  Not normal.  But today - about 10 degrees, snow, and awful wind on Jan 1?  Perfectly normal.  Mother Nature has worse mood swings than anyone I know!

I love cooking with my hubby so much!  We cooked a nice dinner together - turkey, stuffing, scalloped corn, baked potatoes, and turkey gravy.  Very yum!!  I cleaned up the dishes afterwards while he cleaned the rest of the meat off the turkey.  There were only a few pans I left to soak overnights so they would be easier to clean in the morning.  I put the turkey carcass in the crock pot on low overnight.  It smelled so good this morning!!  I learned my lesson from before about trying to can chicken stock - I froze my turkey stock.  Not bad - I got 15 cups of stock!!

Normally we go to a movie New Year's Day - it's a tradition that I've been trying to keep with my kids.  Unfortunately with today's weather, I don't think we're going to be leaving the house at all.  We are getting things done around the house though.  I did about 50 minutes on my Fit.  Hubby and I cleaned out the toy box so the kids have room to store some of their new toys.  Some of it we threw out, some of it we bagged up to donate to the Epilepsy Foundation.  I still have a ton of totes to go through in the garage.  Maybe at least get through some of the bags/totes of clothes so I can wash whatever I want to take to the consignment store next week.....  There is a 50 piece limit - I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to make a second appointment!!

My Opa and I are having a contest now.  Today is the day one of our contest.  We're going see who can lose the most by June 1st when he comes home.  The minimum we HAVE to go for is 10 pounds.  I'm hoping to double that.  We'll see what happens - but this year is going to be my year - I'm going to make it the best I can!!!

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