Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sick Day

No, not me.  My kids.  Both of them.

Last night I sent Beau to bed at 8 instead of her normal 8:30.  All through Christmas break, I let her stay up a little bit later than normal, just because it was vacation.  About 10, when I went to bed, Scrappy and hubby were watching Monster Jams - I knew there was no hope of getting Scrappy to bed as long as it was on, so I left him to Daddy's discretion. 

Beau called me into her room to complain that her tummy hurt.  Did it hurt like she had to use the bathroom, or like she was hungry, or like she was going to be sick?  She didn't know, so I told her to try to use the bathroom.  Nope, that wasn't it.  "I think maybe I might throw up.  I don't know."  Better safe than sorry - I put her on the couch with my wash bucket, just in case.  Scrappy got mad when I turned off the TV, but I told him he could snuggle with Mommy for a little bit in Mommy's bed and we'd watch monster trucks in the morning.

I did no more than walk out the living room when I heard Beau start retching.  As she ran to the bathroom, with her head half in the bucket, she missed and arfed on the floor.  Thankfully my husband had gotten aggravated with the kids spilling on the carpet in the living room and had ripped it up.  The hardwood is so much easier to clean.

This morning she still had a fever so I kept her home from school.  I must admit, I was really looking forward to her going back today.  Those two can only spend so much time together, cooped up in the house, before they start to drive each other (and me) crazy and start fighting like cats and dogs.  And they just can't resolve anything between the two of them - they need Mom's intervention.

My brother stopped to visit bright and early at 7am before he headed west again.  He had to see his favorite older sister (only older sister) and niece and nephew before he left.  Hubby and I were both surprise that Scraps wasn't up yet - he's usually our alarm clock at 6:30 or earlier.  Mean Mommy had to go wake him up.  Poor baby, he had a fever too :(

After Uncle had riled the kids up and left, I tried to get them to settle down a little because I did not want to spend my day scrubbing up their messes.  She had a couple slices of toast for breakfast, and he ate a little dry cereal.  He crawled up on my lap and snuggled most of the morning while she played her hangman handheld video game.  I let them watch cartoons all day and gave up on trying to watch anything that wasn't animated.  Scrappy ended up napping on me for about an hour and a half... and would wake up every time I tried laying him down.  It's just a shame that I couldn't fall asleep myself  :)

Tomorrow, she is definitely going back to school - since about 10 minutes after I called her in, she wanted to run around and play.  NOPE!  Sick day = keep your butt parked on the couch and rest.  It's not supposed to be fun staying home sick. (She wasn't too happy when her brother got to play Wii, but she had been quite argumentative yesterday and lost her privileges for today.) 

He really likes his monster truck game.  And he can't go too far lately without Big Bear (original, I know)

I have a ton of things to do tomorrow since I didn't leave the house at all today...  Hopefully the kids are both feeling 'normal.'

And I think I'm going to change my name tomorrow too.... I think this week my kids wore out the names "Mom," "Mommy," and "Mo-om!"

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