Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Taking a Sick Day...

I know.  Mommies don't get sick days.  But I'm still trying.  Taking it easy and letting things around the house slide today.  It started with a cough and little bit of a stuffy nose last night.  This morning I woke up with a horrid sinus headache, coughing, sneezing, and completely stuffed up.  I took a couple ibuprofen, but that didn't help much.  I even tried my netipot, which almost always takes care of it, but not today :(

After dropping Beau off at school, Scrappy and I came home and I turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for him.  I set him up with some cereal (which he will only eat dry - if I put milk on it, he refuses!) and his PediaSure, and he let me doze in the recliner until that was over.  I turned on Umizoomi after that, and he went back to playing with his monster trucks and watched that while I dozed a little more.

This afternoon he's getting a little crabby and restless.  He keeps asking when Beau is going to be home and insists that we go get her now!  She'll be out of school soon, so he'll have someone to play with. I'm hoping he takes a nap after we get home.  I had to wake him up from his nap early yesterday so we could go pick Beau up, and Scrappy was not a happy camper for the rest of the night.  He threw a complete tantrum in the car, all through the grocery store, and back at home again.  I really wish I could let him go outside to play, but he's supposed to be taking it easy for another week still.  As it was, his tantrum caused his nose to start bleeding again.

I'm hoping to get another nap in too.  I cheated for lunch and just made a can of soup for me, and a pb sandwich for Scrappy.  Tonight's supper is just going to be leftovers since hubby is working late.  Scrappy doesn't eat much anyway, and Beau is pretty happy with a can of spaghetti-o's.

I am really hoping this cold doesn't last long :(  Hubby is bringing home more kleenex and cough drops for me tonight.  I'll be fine as long as I don't run a fever - if I do, then I'll have to go in and get checked since we don't need Scrappy getting sick!!

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